VA Disability Claims

When the uniform comes off, we are there for you….forever.

Many active duty service members and veterans are unaware of the veteran benefits they may have earned as a result of their time of military service. When it comes to applying for VA disability benefits, veterans may become frustrated with the long, complex process and paperwork. 

Oftentimes, veterans don’t know where to start, what forms they need to fill out or even what information should go on the application form! A single error could set the veteran back months to simply get a claim decision.

The VA has created a number of helpful tools that will guide you through this often-confusing maze; however there’s still no substitute than having an accredited law group to help you every step of the way. Our senior law advocates are dedicated to not only guide you through the VA disability claims process, but help you determine what is the right strategy specifically for you. 

As a VA accredited law group we LEGALLY can help prepare, present and prosecute your VA disability claims on your behalf. We are disrupting the accredited status quo by helping ALL veterans and not leaving a single veteran behind. We are here to support you through your journey.

Ready to take that first step together?

Sign up for your free case evaluation today. 

We are standing by to help you. Click the button and fill out our client profile form so we can reach out to you! We are eager to assist you start your journey to get the benefits you have earned! 

We keep it simple.

As a VA accredited law group, we are able to help alleviate the stress and anxiety this process can cause by legally representing you every step of the way. Our primary goal is to make this as EASY as possible for you!

What are your attorney fees?

As a VA Accredited Law Group, we follow the strict VA regulations on what we legally are allowed to charge. VetsForever attorney fees are 30% of the veterans back pay or recovered past due benefits for any successful claim per the VA Office of General Counsel.

What are clients are saying about us

“I left the Navy and never filed a VA claim in over 30 years. I would have been happy to get anything on my initial claim but you were able to get me to 100% P&T on the first round!”

Russell N.

“I was stuck at 90% for over 6 years. I listened and followed your process and next thing I know I finally got to 100%. Thank you!”

Lebron N. 

How do you know if you qualify for VA Disability? 

Veterans may be eligible for VA disability claims if they have served on active duty, active duty for training or inactive duty training AND are currently suffering from an injury or illness that was incurred during service.

Also, you meet one of these three criteria:

  • In-service disability claim -You were injured or got sick while actively serving and can link this condition, or
  • Pre-service disability claim – You were injured or sick prior to joining the military and serving made it worse, or
  • Post-service disability claim – You have a service related disability that did not show up until after you ended your service. (Common)
  • Secondary disability claim – You can file a secondary claim to get more disability benefits for a new disability that’s linked to a service-connected disability you already have.

VA disability compensation benefits provide tax free financial support to the veteran as well other benefits like medical care, adaptive housing grants and more all at no cost to you!

How long do you have to be in the military to get VA disability benefits?

There is no prescribed length of service-connected disability or death. If a service member is injured or sick anytime on active duty and results in a disability after discharge then either the veteran or surviving spouse is eligible for VA Disability Benefits.

Did I have to be in combat to get VA disability benefits?

NO! VA disability compensation benefits are not exclusive to combat veterans. As long as you meet the criteria as prescribed by the VA, then you are eligible for VA disability compensation benefits.

Do you lose VA disability compensation benefits if you work?

You may be able to get both VA disability compensation benefits and still be able to work at the same time.

If you are eligible and are receiving TDIU or Total Disability based on Individual Unemployability compensation benefits, which means you are getting the same level of compensation as a 100% disability rating, then you may not be employed.

Is VA Disability Difficult To Get?

Navigating the VA disability claims can be difficult and frustrating if you do not know the process. Waiting for a VA decision only to be denied could set you back a few months.

Having an experienced VA accredited law group to help guide you will save you time with a strategy that sets you up for a greater chance of success on winning your VA disability claim.